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Todo List
- [code] Fix NPE when using custom settings in the file chooser → jojada
- [code] Lazy initialize the filesystem mananager → jojada
- [code] Add encryption support to the bookmarks → stanlove
- [code] Use a regular expressions instead of a manually written parser for the bookmarks editor → stanlove
- [code] The protocol box is missing HTTPS and file. → yveszoundi
- [code] On the Bookmarks button screen, either swap the add/manage menu buttons positions or remove the add button. → yveszoundi
- [code] On the Bookmarks Manager, the OK button is not tied to the current bookmark selection which means that users must remember to use the OPEN button. → yveszoundi
- [code] Add a VFSJFileChooser.RETURN_TYPE of NO_SELECTION and initialize the return state to that value. → stanlove
- [docs] Add some examples to the wiki(i18n, custom filesystem manager, etc.) → open
- [code] Remove the SSL checkbox and add the SSL supported protocols in the drop-down list → yveszoundi
- [code] Icon theme support - allow use look and feel icons(due to some errors while retrieving the default icons, a custom icon set was used). → open