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History of Changes


Introduction and explanation of symbols

Changes are sorted by "type" and then chronologically with the most recent at the top. These symbols denote the various action types:add=add, fix=fix, update=update

Version 0.0.4 (2008-12-24 00:35)

Version 0.0.4 is the latest release.

Changes to Build

  • update Use Apache Forrest instead of Webby to build the website. Committed by yveszoundi.

Changes to the Code Base

  • addBookmarks encryption support without loosing existing bookmarks. Committed by stanlove.
  • addAdded VFS URI validator for the bookmarks manager Committed by stanlove.
  • addAdded a VFS URI parser for the bookmarks editor Committed by yveszoundi.
  • addAdded basic i18n support(English, French, German, Spanish, Sweddish) Committed by yveszoundi.
  • addAdded accessors for the filechooser properties navigation panel and navigation buttons Committed by yveszoundi.
  • fixFix possible NPE when setting a default button text Committed by jojada.
  • fixFix other possible NPE when setting custom tooltips Committed by yveszoundi.
  • updateLazily initialize the filesystem manager without having to create a file chooser instance. Committed by jojada.

Changes to Design

  • addRemoved the buttons popup in the acessory panel Committed by yveszoundi.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Jojada Tirtowidjojo (jojada), Stan Love (stanlove), Yves Zoundi (yveszoundi).

Version 0.0.3 (2008-08-15 19:49)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixNumerous fixes for bugs in the navigation Committed by stephanschuster.
  • fixSpeed improvements Committed by yveszoundi.
  • fixLet the navigation icons are visibile all the time(Look and feel issues) Committed by yveszoundi.
  • fixAnnoyances in the bookmarks editor and the connection wizard(custom port and error messages) Committed by jojada.
  • updateUpgraded to commons-vs 2.0 and switched to webdavclient4j Committed by yveszoundi.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Jojada Tirtowidjojo (jojada), Stephan Schuster (stephanschuster), Yves Zoundi (yveszoundi).

All Committers

This is a list of all people who have ever participated as committers on this project.

  • Yves Zoundi (yveszoundi)
  • Jojada Tirtowidjojo (jojada)
  • Stan Love (stanlove)
  • Stephan Schuster (stephanschuster)
  • open (open)